Piotr Jasiukajtis via illumos-developer
2014-10-20 22:00:04 UTC
It fixes a problem with updates on OpenIndiana /dev systems if pkg:/developer/sunstudio12u1 is installed.
Sun Studio package needs SUNWlibm and SUNWlibms explicitly and it creates an issue because in /dev repository those packages are already in version 0.5.11,5.11-0.133 while we are at version .132.
Piotr Jasiukajtis
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Sun Studio package needs SUNWlibm and SUNWlibms explicitly and it creates an issue because in /dev repository those packages are already in version 0.5.11,5.11-0.133 while we are at version .132.
Piotr Jasiukajtis
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