Dan McDonald via illumos-developer
2014-10-23 18:54:10 UTC
Point your browsers at:
You'll see two directories:
5224-volatile/ -- Has a well-commented addition of "volatile" to local-variable 'z'.
5224-asm/ -- Has well-commented assembly subroutines for three libc internal functions.
The -asm one IMHO needs more testing, and I'd REALLY appreciate a close review. I ran the Richard PALO tests against it, and it didn't complain, just like it didn't complain against the volatile one. I chose deliberately NOT to make these inline, due to readability and that inlines appear to need to be instantiated multiple times (though perhaps not with newer devpros). Unlike SPARC and its limited register windows, x86 doesn't seem to havea penalty for function calls beyond memory and possibly cache misses.
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You'll see two directories:
5224-volatile/ -- Has a well-commented addition of "volatile" to local-variable 'z'.
5224-asm/ -- Has well-commented assembly subroutines for three libc internal functions.
The -asm one IMHO needs more testing, and I'd REALLY appreciate a close review. I ran the Richard PALO tests against it, and it didn't complain, just like it didn't complain against the volatile one. I chose deliberately NOT to make these inline, due to readability and that inlines appear to need to be instantiated multiple times (though perhaps not with newer devpros). Unlike SPARC and its limited register windows, x86 doesn't seem to havea penalty for function calls beyond memory and possibly cache misses.
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